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Call for open investigation, trial and punishment

for violation of the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service, military personnel, families of the dead, missing, captured defenders, and imprisoned military personnel

The NGO Ukrainian Film Institute calls on the society, civic, human rights organizations and state authorities to openly and comprehensively investigate, prosecute and punish, in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, any individuals, officials of any local, municipal and state organizations and authorities of Ukraine, military structures that have violated the constitutional rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service, military personnel, veterans, families of the dead, missing, captured military personnel, as well as military prisoners during the Anti-Terrorist Operation in eastern Ukraine (2014-2018), the Joint Forces Operation (2018-2022) and during Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and martial law throughout Ukraine (since February 24, 2022).
Investigations and proceedings in courts of all instances should be without statute of limitations
Realizing that it will take a long time to investigate some criminal offenses and punish the perpetrators due to possible resistance of suspects, fear of witnesses and victims, temporary lack of evidence, overload of investigative bodies and courts in considering such cases, we call on civil society to fight for that the laws of Ukraine be amended to ensure that crimes against the constitutional rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service, military personnel, veterans, families of the dead, missing, captured defenders, and imprisoned military personnel are investigated and tried in courts of any instance without a statute of limitations.
Protection of rights and freedoms in relevant international judicial institutions and international organizations
We call for the protection of the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service, military personnel, veterans, families of the fallen, missing, captured defenders, and imprisoned military personnel to be sought from the relevant international judicial institutions or the relevant bodies of international organizations of which Ukraine is a member or participant after exhausting all national legal remedies.
We invite all concerned servicemen, veterans, citizens, lawyers, advocates, human rights defenders, human rights and other NGOs, journalists, filmmakers, scientists, entrepreneurs, small and large businesses to join the Tribunal Manifesto project and the All-Ukrainian Mutual Aid Community to jointly achieve our goals, as well as to make a donation to financially support our activities.