+380 99 974 62 36

Our Mutual Aid Community

We are building an all-Ukrainian community of like-minded people, professionals and volunteers

We know all too well how difficult and painful it can be to fight for justice alone. Often, people simply do not have the time, knowledge, energy and money to do so. People simply give up on doing anything, and they are ready to resign themselves to their misery.
But there is always a way out - to find brothers and sisters in misfortune, like-minded people, human rights activists, journalists, with whom it is much easier to achieve justice.
That is why we are starting to build the All-Ukrainian Mutual Aid Community and its local network as part of the Tribunal Manifesto project.
We invite all concerned servicemen, veterans, their families, citizens, lawyers, advocates, human rights defenders, human rights and other NGOs, journalists, filmmakers, scientists, entrepreneurs, businesses to join our Community to fight for justice and respect for human rights, freedoms and dignity.
How to join the All-Ukrainian Mutual Aid Community
1. To get started, simply subscribe to the All-Ukrainian Mutual Aid Community Facebook group at this address: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manifesttribunalukraine
2. If you want to take an active part in the work of the All-Ukrainian Community right now, please fill out this form and we will contact you for further actions: https://forms.gle/amguaQzVAbgRPuXZA
3. If you want to become an organizer of a local Community in your city, please fill out this form and we will help you: https://forms.gle/mYnNFk1boeDkDEaaA
We will publish the addresses of all local Mutual Aid Communities on this page.
We also invite lawyers, attorneys, human rights defenders and journalists from all over Ukraine who want to help us protect the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service, military personnel, veterans, families of the dead, missing, captured military personnel, and imprisoned military personnel.
We are developing a network of lawyers, advocates, human rights activists and journalists with whom we will cooperate on the ground.
Lawyers, advocates and human rights defenders from all regions of Ukraine are invited to fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1GRNEqa4tbhFRZPG9
Journalists from all over Ukraine are also invited to fill out this form: https://forms.gle/rstdCvGtJThvxYc3A
We will contact each of you and inform you about the further action plan.
Let us remember that the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens must be defended in the same way as the statehood, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
If you are not yet ready to take an active part in our Community, please make a donation to protect the rights and freedoms of our military.