+380 99 974 62 36

How we help protect rights and freedoms

of persons liable for military service, military personnel, families of the dead, missing, captured military personnel, and imprisoned military personnel

The Ukrainian Film Institute is not a human rights organization, although we are familiar with it. Our goal is to help all those in need to find defenders if you don't have any yet, and secondly, to help move forward the protection of the rights and freedoms of people liable for military service, military personnel, veterans, families of fallen heroes, imprisoned soldiers when all other methods are ineffective or have not worked at all.
Our weapon is media publicity in covering cases and searching for cause and effect relationships to find out the nature of these erroneous phenomena and how to prevent them in the future if possible.
The fact is that war and any mobilization activities are not a natural disaster. Behind every event there is always a chain of people with specific names and positions who are responsible before the law.

Types of violations of rights and freedoms that we investigate and offer assistance in protecting
1. Violation of the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service during mobilization activities
Violation of the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service during mobilization activities on the territory of Ukraine: illegal, without a court decision, restriction of liberty during the issuance of draft notices, clarification of personal data in territorial centers for recruitment and social support (TCR and SS) and military medical commissions (MMC); torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of persons liable for military service; actions or omissions by members of the MMC, medical and social examination commission (MSEC), TCR and SS that led to the mobilization of persons unfit for military service or certain types of service, as well as any other violations and restrictions of rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution during and after martial law.
2. Violation of the rights and freedoms of military personnel
Violation of the rights and freedoms of servicemen during the ATO, JFO and Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine: Torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of servicemen by their comrades or commanders, arbitrary or reckless deprivation of life of some servicemen by others, inaction of senior commanders regarding the facts of such crimes; illegal restriction of the freedom of servicemen; lack of or refusal to provide independent professional legal assistance to servicemen under investigation or trial; absence or refusal to provide medical care to servicemen, actions or inaction of medical personnel of any health care facilities that led to deterioration or disability of servicemen, improper rehabilitation and problems with prosthetics; forcing to comply with clearly criminal orders or instructions, as well as punishment for refusal to comply with them; systematic actions or omissions by the command to delay, incompletely provide or not provide financial and logistical support to servicemen; actions or omissions by the MMC, MSEC, representatives of any other medical institutions whose decisions forced servicemen with injuries or illnesses incompatible with military service to continue to serve in the Armed Forces and other units; keeping in an indefinite status without adequate financial and logistical support limitedly fit servicemen who, due to health problems, cannot fulfill combat orders, as well as any other violations and restrictions of the rights and freedoms of servicemen guaranteed by the Constitution during and after martial law.
3. Violation of veterans' rights
Violation of the rights of veterans of the ATO, JFO and the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war: actions or omissions of representatives of any state bodies and military structures that prevent demobilized servicemen from obtaining the status of a veteran and/or combatant, receiving proper financial support for the entire period of service; refusal to provide medical care and/or proper treatment; refusal or obstruction, delay in establishing a valid diagnosis in the military medical commission or the medical social examination commission; refusal or obstruction in establishing a veteran's disability; any discrimination against veterans in society, as well as any other violations and restrictions on the rights of veterans.
4. Violation of the rights of families and relatives of fallen defenders, missing and captured servicemen
Violation of the rights of families and relatives of fallen defenders, missing and captured servicemen of the ATO, JFO and the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war: unjustified concealment of information about the details of the death, disappearance, or capture of servicemen; refusal or delay in granting the status of a family of a fallen defender to those relatives who are eligible; violation of the right to receive a one-time financial assistance to the families of fallen defenders, as well as any other violations and restrictions on the rights of families and relatives of fallen defenders, missing or captured servicemen guaranteed by the Constitution during and after martial law.
5. Violation of the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service and military personnel suspected of committing a crime and detained, as well as those already serving a sentence in prison
Violations of the rights and freedoms of persons liable for military service and military personnel suspected of committing a crime and detained, as well as those already serving a sentence in prison: Torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners; lack of or restricted access to medical care and/or treatment; loss of health or disability in custody; lack of or denial of independent professional legal assistance, representation of the prisoner's interests during the investigation and in court; unmotivated delay in the investigation and detention of a suspect; lack of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions for detainees, as well as any other violations and restrictions on the rights and freedoms of prisoners guaranteed by the Constitution during and after martial law.

What we offer

1. Initial consultation on your situation of violation of rights or freedoms.
2. If you are not yet ready to defend your rights or freedoms openly before your command, any state authorities or officials, we will offer you an algorithm of further actions for covertly collecting and preserving the facts of violation of your rights in order to prepare for future investigative actions and court proceedings.
3. If you are ready to openly defend your violated rights or freedoms, but you do not yet have a human rights defender, i.e. a lawyer or military lawyer, we will help you find one. Our assistance is free of charge, and human rights defenders are available by appointment. We are currently working to increase the possibility of free human rights assistance for you.
4. If you already have a human rights defender, you are working on your case together, but it is being hampered by the other side for far-fetched reasons, we offer you public coverage and further media support of your case on our social media pages and partner media.
5. If your case is high-profile and the guilty party ignores you or resists your attempts to get justice, then in addition to simply covering your case on social media, we can, with your consent, include your case in the next episode of our documentary series, and involve human rights organizations in Ukraine and abroad in helping you.
6. Important: we follow all cases we take on in our media work to a fair verdict in Ukrainian courts of any instance. If this does not work, we are ready to help you file a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights or other international courts upon the decision of your human rights defender and yourself. Our assistance is always free of charge.
7. If your case is not an isolated one or if a particular body or official has violated the rights and freedoms of several or many people, we can offer to combine your case into a class action lawsuit, and then follow the algorithms described above.
8. To develop local human rights initiatives, we have launched the All-Ukrainian Mutual Aid Community, which will have local branches where you can also receive primary legal and media assistance, find like-minded people and strengthen the legal protection of persons liable for military service, military personnel, veterans, families of fallen heroes, and imprisoned servicemen in your city or region.
For more information on how to join the All-Ukrainian Mutual Aid Community, local branches, or how to create a community in your city, please follow the link here: https://manifest-tribunal.org.ua/en/spilnota
As the Ukrainian Film Institute is an independent non-profit and non-governmental organization, we have no affiliation with any party or oligarchs, so we need your financial support to continue our work.
We ask you to make donations to protect the rights and freedoms of our military. We will provide them with our human rights support. This will be another contribution to our common victory!
You can contact us at: au.gro.lanubirt-tsefinam%40ofni